Tips to lose weight and get a good shape. Youmust have heard many times “lose weight in ten days” or join us to loseweight and many more promotional advertisements. But trust me you don'tneed to join any course or go anywhere as you can help yourself and reduce yourweight while sitting at home and following some tips that are given below.Follow them and find the amazing results in few days.
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1. Drink more and more water
For a healthy life and fit body you should drink water as much as you can. 8-10 glasses of water are suggested by the doctors and heath consultants as drinkingwater burns about 62 calories a day. Ourbody will keep on rising the water’s temperature to make it equal to your body'stemperature. By this you can burn 430 calories per week..
2. Eat properly and regularly
Eating 5 times a day is very essential as it keep you body working. The mostimportant meal is breakfast and make sure you provide the first thing to yourbody to avoid hunger pangs afterward in the day. While eating 5 times a day,always remember that you need to consume sensible amount of calories and fats.Following this process you will not feel hungry and will not be addicted toover eating.
If you are struggling to achieve results , seek a professional help from programs like Diet Solution Program
If you are struggling to achieve results , seek a professional help from programs like Diet Solution Program
3. Include fibre in your food
You can get fibre only in plant foods and our bodies can’t digest the fibrewhich we add in our food so it simply goes through your body and in eliminationprocess it cuts extra calories consumed with protein and fat. Fibre arebasically raw vegetables that you use in salad and some fruits also likestrawberries, apples, figs, potatoes, chickpeas, broccoli, brown rice, beans,bran and nuts.
4. Include good fats in food rather that bad ones
There are good fats and bad fats which are present in different types offoods. Good fats provide you the essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenicacids) which are required for normal reproduction and development. It ishellpful for production of prostaglandin which is basically a hormone which regulatesblood pressure, avoids blood clotting and lowers the risk of heart disease.
Fish, shrimps, skimmed milk, low fat yogurt, Low fat cottage cheese, eggwhites is the best food that you can have and reduce your weight.
6. Carbohydrates can help you lose weight
You will be surprised to read but it’s a fact that by consuming morecarbohydrates you can lose weight. A food which is rich in carbohydrates suchfruits and vegetables, whole grains will surely help you and give you thepositive results.
The foremost thing to remember is keep your body moving like, go for walk,do some exercises and try to make your body functional which also helps to burnthe extra calories which are the main cause of obesity. Always remember, Eathealthy stay healthy!
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