Friday, July 8, 2011

The Secret of Brad Pitt Diet

The Secret of Brad Pitt Diet 217x300 The Secret of Brad Pitt Diet
Brad pitt is a good-looking Hollywood actress, besides having a handsome face, he also has the ideal body shape. Surely you really want to have a body like Brad Pitt. Diet program that is adopted by Brad Pitt is not difficult, Brad Pitt on a diet that is claimed as a revolution by its discoverer, Dr. Atkins.
Atkins Diet can be regarded as the low-carbohydrate high-protein diet of the most popular. Diet was first launched by Dr. Robert C. Atkins is also a cardiologist, in the early 70′s.
Lately there are many pros and cons of growing questions about the security of your diet, but not a few people who still try it. The theory says that the Atkins diet by increasing consumption of foods containing protein and do not eat carbohydrates at all During the first 2 weeks, the body will develop ketosis, a state in which the body uses fat as fuel.
According to experts, this diet can help you lose weight in the short term. There are other effects of the habit of reducing carbohydrates, the main fear is that high-protein foods are often high in saturated fat. Eat high protein can also reduce levels of calcium that can trigger the occurrence of osteoporosis.
Likewise with people who have health problems such as liver and kidney patients, could obtain an undue stress due to the body tries to eliminate ketone. Other experts observed that this diet can cause constipation, colon, kidney, or rising cholesterol levels. You also will experience bad breath because of higher ketone.
You can specify options in a diet, if you want to get the ideal body like Brad Pitt you can make a diet program that has been described above. But consider also the side effects that will arise from this diet program.

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