Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weight Loss Tips For Men That Will Potentially Produce Results

By Diana Lensbury

At one time in history, men who attempted to loose weight would do so primarily for the purpose of appealing to their mate. However, the circumstance has changed drastically. Today, men who refuse to tackle the issue of being overweight may face serious health issues before the time they reach 60-years old. Fortunately, there are weight loss tips for men that can potentially have a large effect.

A man should approach loosing weight with the right perspective in mind. For example, a man looking for a temporary diet has the wrong perspective. The right way to approach weight lose is to consider it an effort to get healthy. The effort to get healthy is far more sustainable then an attempt to shed a handful of pounds.

A healthy perspective is much more considerate of the level of health throughout the whole body. With this perspective, one is more likely to address the other negative contributing factors to health. The focus may be primarily on weight in the beginning, but may soon change to other issues such as excessive eating, smoking and drinking alcohol.

Another important tip is for men to change the type of food they eat. Foods such as red meats and foods that have been prepared in saturated are appealing to man. However, these foods are credited as major contributors to heart disease and other health conditions. Light foods such as chicken, fish, vegetables and fruits are not as dangerous and are considered a good source of protein.

Exercise has the greatest potentially to affect the weight of a man. Contrary to popular opinion, one does not necessarily have to exercise strenuously to have an effect. A man can exercise as little as 45 minuets of light exercise a day and see substantial results. In addition, one does not necessarily have to exercise everyday. In many circumstances, exercising between 2 and 3 times a week is enough for a man to see improvements in his health.

One of the challenges for men is finding the time to exercise. Setting aside time to exercise is often hard for men because of the excessively long hours that men traditionally work. To remedy this situation, simply find ways to get exercise without leaving the work setting. For instance, one could easily take the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator. Or, one can make a commitment to walk around the office building a few times a day.

Loosing weight is a huge issue which can quickly become a serious health issue. As a result, a man should take time to have a consultation with his doctor before taking steps towards any weight-loss goal. However, once a doctor has been consulted, weight loss tips for men can have a large effect.

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