Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Common Strategies Of Restaurants To Attract People With Their Menu

By Gina Larsson

In a world of fastfoods and global cuisines, eating out is such a delectable delight that almost everyone enjoys. Many a great moments have been had over a table of food and conversation. A gastronomic experience can be very fulfilling to the tummy and to the soul, except for one minor detail: it can be agonizing when a person needs to constantly watch out for his or her diet.

Do not be swayed by menu pictures. Photographs tickle our appetite, especially when professional photographers are specifically hired to showcase the restaurant's products. Stick to food items listed and internally analyzed their nature.

Second, names of menu items can be quite tricky. Beware of a superfluous name title.

Keeping our attention to the menu description rather than the name can help us choose better options.

Third, be careful from choosing unhealthy choices. Many restaurants strategically place unhealthy options next to healthier items on the menu. Do not be deceived by this trap.

Vegetables are rich in fiber and nutrients. A daily serving of vegetables is essential for our bodies. Even fastfoods which are notorious for serving junk now have salad bars. Undoubtedly, vegetables are good for you; sometimes the sauces, cheeses and crotons that we place on them might not entirely be.

The preparation and serving of vegetables should also be considered. Some are too high in carbohydrates, and if they are cooked fried, they abound in fats and cholesterol.

The last tip to remember is to avoid sampler platters. Typically, sampler platters contain little servings of finger foods and an assortment of appetizers. Munching on these can inadvertently add up the calories in your meals.

With these guidelines in mind, a 21st century lifestyle can be modern, hectic, and most importantly, still be healthy.

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