Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rousing Yourself To Get Rid Of Fats

By Kayla Griffin

Losing weight: it's a long-term goal for most people. You may be the skinniest student in class when you were in your youth. You may even be slender in your twenties. But by the time you reach your thirties, things have begun to change. You metabolism rate has slackened and you started to discover a little flab here and there.

While fats and weight are in your body, it's not a entirely physical thing. You also need to mentally win this game. You can't finish this race to fitness if you are also not conditioned mentally.

For some, losing weight is a cruel cycle. You gain this unnecessary pounds that you want to lose. You start to diet and exercise, but each time you see yourself with the added weight you become depress, thus leading you to eat some more and gain weight. It's a sad, sad and very brutal cycle, indeed.

Maybe you're one of those who have tried every diet and workout plan out there. You may even have swallowed different reducing pills and miracle products available in the market. But no matter what you do, your fat still won't budge. And you wonder what you are doing wrong.

There are two things you may lack: discipline and consistency. You can't keep up with the exercise plan you set yourself. And if after a little while things don't work out, you turn to another health program even before you could see if that was really effective. If boredom if keeping you from sticking to your agenda, then change it to a more exciting plan, such as ballroom dancing or tennis playing. If motivation is your problem, then give yourself a non-threatening reward every after you complete an exercise. Non-threatening rewards may include a trip to the shopping mall or watching movies, and not an extra serving of dessert.

If that's still not effective for you, try giving yourself your own stimulus package. This means that you will give yourself a reward even before you start earning it.

As mentioned, losing weight is a vicious cycle that involves both mind and body. So if you just keep getting more depressed each time you step into the weighing scale, give yourself a slimmer body even before you start your fitness plan.

Why don't you enter a fitness program that helps you lose weight quicker or even ask a physician to drain off your fat if you want to. Then you can start working out. The logic behind this is that you need to prepare your mind first before you enter on a dragging routine. Seeing yourself in a skinnier shape gives you an idea that losing weight is really feasible, thus, giving you a positive attitude. It is an incentive that you would have to preserve, and would be willing to do so seeing the result already.

The motivator plan shouldn't be misused, though. You are giving yourself one because you wish to end the cruel cycle and start a fitness stage with an optimistic mindset. But relying on it fully and shunning your health program is not the best course of action to take. Remember, you desire to lose weight to stay healthy.

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