Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Potentially Unsafe Side Effects of Herbal Dieting Products

By Roxana Pokora

There are so many dieting, fat loss and lose the fat solutions on the market that it can be difficult making a choice. Manufacturers understand the marketing value of using natural ingredients. That is the reason why you usually see the use of herbal components on the labels because the marketing works well. But there is a strong word of warning to buyers with these products. First, some people see the words, organic or herbal, and they think the product is safe. So folks simply read something has 100 % natural ingredients and they use it. Not only will there be harmful interactions with common drugs, but the herbal products often have their own concerns. Another potential problem exists because some people may be sensitive or at risk of side effects while others may not.

But there is much more to consider in this overall scenario with dieting products. There are many herbal plant products for clinical and scientific investigation to completely study for safety. What often takes place is a scientific investigation will be performed on behalf, and paid for by, the producer that wants to market the product. As is straightforward, that shows certain issues including neutral research. It is fairly obvious concerning the expected results of that kind of research. However, many people do not even take the time to consider these schemes. But also it is the buyer who is placed at possible danger due to this type of biased testing.

You will not come across very many of these substances that have even been rigorously analyzed by a highly regarded organization. But, take ephedra and caffeine for instance, those two actually will result in quick weight loss. However, you will recall that ephedra was banned in the US not many years ago. Well, incredibly enough something brand new made an appearance on shelves, hoodia. This product, which is a plant derivative from South Africa, has been examined to some degree. However you will find important potential problems for people with certain medical conditions. The way hoodia works is it stops the capability for the brain to recognize thirst and hunger feelings. If you are interested to take a look at hoodia, then you should find out much more about it.

We will share a terrible example of what can go awry with herbal compounds. This happened in Belgium, and what happened is approximately seventy people had failure in their kidneys after they took an herbal diet product. Another fraction of people endured long term kidney problems. When some kidneys were taken out and analyzed, they were observed to have precancer or actual cancer conditions. What really happened was the wrong herbal ingredient was included in that particular diet product.

There is no doubt that herbs have their place in alternative medicine. The point is anybody who decides to take them needs to become informed before using any herbal product. The only way to safeguard yourself is to learn as much as you are able to and try to use products produced by reputable companies

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