Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Find The Healthy Way To Lose Weight

By Bryan Mars

One of the hardest things to do is losing weight. It takes so much time and effort to keep your regime and maintain the new body you have. However, there is no best way to lose weight. There are some few ways on cutting the weight naturally though. You should know what your motivation to do this is. Are you trying to fit into a dress or trying to get the tiny waist.

There are various factors that affect which methods you choose to achieve your weight lose. For instance your age and sex matters this is because when you are older, naturally, it is harder to reduce your weight. When it comes to sex, men have a higher metabolism than women. This means it is easier for them to lose weight as compared to women.

You cannot just wish the weight away, it takes time to achieve your dreams; hence you should set realistic ones. Decide on how much you want gone and over what period of time. Exercise is the first step in your program. Walk or jog every day for about half an hour. You can do twenty minutes every morning and the rest late evening.

Your diet needs to also change. Avoid fast foods and soft drinks, as these contain high carbohydrate content. Keeping a food diary might help to keep your diet in check. Increase fruit and fiber intake as this is healthier than fatty food. Fiber is particularly good since it stays in your stomach for long giving you the feeling of being full. It also passes through the digestive system fast hence less is absorbed.

If you are not already drinking lots of water then it is high time you started. Take about 8 to 10 glasses each day. The problem could be that you always feel hungry; therefore you should break down your meals. This will ensure you eat smaller portions and your body will not feel the need to horde.

Control your sugar intake. Too much sugar in your system causes an insulin surge. This will cause your insulin and sugar to drop causing you to feel hungry. This will make you eat more and the cycle continues.

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