Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Reduce Stress To Lose Weight [article from Articleranks]

Reduce Stress To Lose Weight

Stress is one of the hidden factors in weight gain. In other words it is not a factor we usually consider as being a causative factor in gaining weight. However, as explained below, stress results in the release of cortisol from our adrenal glands and it promotes fat deposits in our mid-section. We hope to show you how to lose weight by reducing stress.

When you're under chronic stress your cortisol levels go up, your serotonin pool is depleted, and your craving patterns go higher.

The more stressed you get the more you will desire high sugar,high carbohydrate, and high fat foods. If you can limit that signaling of those stress hormones your brain doesn't call for you to go out and munch through a row of cookies or a bag of chips without you realizing that you've went through them, and that's a common thing that people will complain of, at least in our practice, is that they don't have control over their eating pattern. You can learn how to lose weight quickly and safely.

Your body releases cortisol in response to what your ancestors perceived as a fight or flight situation. The dictates of modern society frequently leave us feeling constantly 'stressed out'.. This feeling of constant stress results in the steady release of cortisol into our blood stream. Over time this has an adverse consequences on our health.. Our blood sugar levels rise in response to cortisol release because cortisol inhibits the proper functioning of insulin. This results in fat deposits in our mid section, not to mention stressing the other organs in our body.

Of course finding ways to decrease your stress levels is no easy task, however, it is essential to weight loss. Constant stress causes a constant release of cortisol into our blood stream.. Over and extended peirod of time this causes the accumulation of fat in your mid section ( belly fat ) and the undesirable binge eating problems listed above.

tags:stress and weight gain

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