Thursday, June 23, 2011

Some Tips To Relax Weight After Pregnancy

By Sandra Miller

Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman's life. It brings with it a glorious blessing after only nine months. A few fortunate women sail through their pregnancies and their bodies bounce back without a hitch or any additional weight gain. For the majority of the women though this is not the case. The key to getting the weight off is diet, exercise and massage chair therapy.

A woman will not lose as much weight as she expected to lose after the birth. She may end up with unwanted pounds due to excessive weight gain during the pregnancy. In many cases, fluid retention is the problem. In this case, the weight will drop approximately three weeks after delivering the baby. This is due to frequent urination and perspiration.

If you are not the lucky type of woman that just soars through pregnancy like nothing happened, then prepare yourself to reclaim your body. Remember, Mom is important and not just baby. You need to think about how you will take care of yourself and put the effort in to lose weight when needed.

Life works in cycles, pregnancy is just one of those cycles. The connection between diet, exercise and massage is one of the most basic. Our body goes through cycles of requiring nourishment, activity and recovery. This is what the triad of diet, exercise and massage does to balance the body and mind.

Start with your diet. Do you eat fresh or processed foods? Be real and honest. The diet is a function of budget and cooking experience. You can either afford to buy prepared healthy foods or make them yourself. Find a way to incorporate FRESH food. These are the ones that are not frozen. Use fresh meats like chicken and fish and make with vegetables. Get an indoor Grill instead of deep frying.

When you are out and having to face fast food choices, keep in mind that sodium is your enemy. Sodium or salt naturally helps you retain and maintain your water levels. During pregnancy, you normally build up more weight and a large part of this is water weight. Lower your intake of salt and you will also lose water weight. Go for bottled water over drinks with high sugar amounts. Avoid soda and many juice products.

Exercise is always an important part of the equation. How fast or slow you burn energy can help or hinder weight loss. Always consult with your doctor as to what types of exercise and when exercise is appropriate for you. But start with simple things like taking baby for a walk. You get to push the stroller and baby gets to see the world.

Are you planning on breastfeeding? Did you know that by breastfeeding you can make a deposit of five hundred calories per day? Yes, breastfeeding can help you lose weight. Your body is prepared to serve two individuals. Find out from your health care provider how breast feeding and other items can help you lose weight.

Massage therapy has been used throughout the ages for recovery and healing. Your body goes through tremendous changes during pregnancy and after as well. You have to deal with improving your diet and exercising. You also need time for you to recover. A quick massage from a massage chair is ideal. It is the friend you need, when you need it. Relief is finally on your schedule.

One of the toughest things to do during and after pregnancy is checking your weight. Most women fear the worst. Weight has such a psychological and emotional baggage with it. Women can't believe they are just gaining weight so fast during pregnancy while they worked their whole life to not have it. Be realistic with your weight loss targets. Just a hint, it did take you nine months to gain it. It would not be unreasonable to expect 9 months to lose it!

Make sure you check with your health care provider on the best options for you. Everyone is different and your doctor can advise you on what and when you should exercise during pregnancy. Find out their opinion on diet, exercise and massage chair therapy. You need to discover the new harmonious balance and replenish your energy.

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